Training Topics

DevResults has a ton of cool features that go beyond entering indicator results and managing activities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive list of topics that a trained DevResults expert can do and explain. When we do a training with your team, we train staff on as many of these topics as we can, with an emphasis on the tools most relevant to your workflows.

Get Ready for Training:

  1. Download Chrome: Other browsers (like Internet Explorer) do not support DevResults' complex mapping and data querying tools.
  2. Make sure your training site account works. Most likely, we will use your training site rather than your live DevResults site for all training. Contact your site administrator if you cannot access your training site.
  3. Get a Headset: For remote training, it is extremely difficult for us to communicate with folks unless they are wearing headphones and using their own microphone. We simply can't hear very well if you play our audio on speakers or have a single microphone in a room with several people.

List of DevResults Topics:

Helpful Materials

We strongly recommend setting up established internal workflows for who's responsible for which tasks within DevResults. To help you with this process, we provide a Change Management Toolkit with a number of useful resources.

For any topic here not linked to a help page: We're adding additional how-to pages as fast as we can, but let us know if you'd like to jump on a conference call to review any tools or features in the meantime. 
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