Troubleshooting Checklist
You or one of your users has issues logging into DevResults and not being able to report data. This quick checklist will walk you through the most common causes for this issue and how to think about investigating problems in DevResults in general. ...
Administrator Exam
DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with administrative responsibilities in the DevResults site. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test understan...
Contributor Exam
DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with data entry and report-making responsibilities in DevResults. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test unde...
Remote Training
Remote Training Considerations Our goal is that DevResults users have the proper training and support. We've always aimed to make our trainings participatory conversations rather than lectures. As the world adjusts to more and more remote work, ...
Training Topics
DevResults has a ton of cool features that go beyond entering indicator results and managing activities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive list of topics that a trained DevResults expert can do and explain. When we do a training with your team, ...
Training Sites
For every site that we create, we also create a training site. This is a "sandbox" environment where you can try out new settings, changes, etc., without impacting your live site. Information never moves from your training site to y...