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    Bookmarking pages lets you easily find activities and indicators of interest to you on your dashboard. Bookmarking a single activity or indicator You can bookmark indicators and activities by clicking on the star in the top right of any activity p...
  2. Define a Dashboard

    When you log in to DevResults, the first page you see is a dashboard. Each user can create and design as many dashboards as they'd like to show information relevant to them. Dashboards are edited by editing, arranging, resizing, adding, and re...
  3. Data Structures

    If you've gone through DevResults training, you know that all pieces of data in DevResults need to have four characteristics defined: Who What When Where It's easy to remember these words, but understanding the concepts they align t...
  4. Geography Glossary

    Geographies define where activities take place and results are achieved. All DevResults indicator data must be associated with a geography. In this article: What Are Geographies? How Are Geographies Used? How Do I Map Other Geographic Da...
  5. Navigating DevResults

    DevResults uses a consistent page layout to make navigation easy and intuitive. Below you can find detail on some of the common user interface elements: Landing page Main menu Secondary menus (for activities and indicators) Quick search ...
  6. Disaggregations

    In this page: What are disaggregations and what information do I need to define them? Create a disaggregation Edit a disaggregation Upload new disaggregations Assign disaggregations to indicators What are "cross-disaggregati...
  7. Permissions Overview

    DevResults manages access using permissions groups. In plain English: Users are assigned to a single group. A group is defined with an access level for each part of the site. This makes it easy to see a user's permission and to update permi...
  8. New To DevResults?

    Welcome to DevResults! To help you get a feel for the site, we've put together a list of articles we think may be helpful. Want help navigating the site?  We have several help pages dedicated to navigating the site.   Here's an o...
  9. Activities and Organizations Overview

    Activities and organizations define who carries out an activity, reports indicator data, or is associated with specific results.  In this article: What is an activity? What is an organization? How should I organize my activities and...
  10. Indicator Data Sources

    Indicators measure progress toward objectives. This page describes the three sources for an indicator's results in DevResults.  Direct Entry : for entering numbers each reporting period (e.g. once per quarter, per year, etc.) Strengt...