Other Tools


Bookmarking pages lets you easily find activities and indicators of interest to you on your dashboard. Bookmarking a single activity or indicator You can bookmark indicators and activities by clicking on the star in the top right of any activity p...
Jump to information about: Activity Budget Tab Activity Index Activity Budget Tab Each activity has a budget tab for planning budgeting, tracking deliverables, and recording disbursements. We've described the intent and function of e...
Upload Photos
DevResults allows you to store photos. Every photo is associated with an activity. Photos are uploaded to an activity page and all photos can be viewed in the global photos page found at Tools > Photos . Photo storage is unlimited. To upload a pho...
Formatting Text
DevResults enables you to format text in narrative fields using a system called Markdown. Markdown uses simple characters to create emphasis, lists, headers, links, and images. If you use forms to generate reports from DevResults, the exported Wor...
 DevResults Challenge 01: ARPs
Welcome to the first DevResults Challenge. We're launching challenges as a way to: Provide users with metrics about their DevResults sites, Offer tips and targets for improving long-term implementation of the platform, And our number one priorit...
Tags and Sectors
DevResults offers two multi-purpose tools for organizing, sorting, and filtering information: tags  and sectors defined by users.  Tags  enable users to filter activities, data tables, indicators, locations, organizations, and photos (as well ...
This page provides information and answers to frequent questions we receive from users. Can I substantively change an indicator? Should I add unknown as a disaggregation category? Can I add or edit disaggregation categories? Why do I hav...
Change History
DevResults provides a detailed log of all changes made to a site, including information on who made the change and at what time.  To access the site history click on "Change History" under Tools : The change history can be filtered by date ran...
Archive and Export Options
Many DevResults users want to or are required to export and download copies of their data, either to conduct offline data analysis, purely for archival purposes, or something in between. This article provides an overview of the options available, an...