New Articles

  1. Form Templates: Indicator

    The Forms tab in DevResults offers some basic tools to help you create reports in Microsoft Word (or PDFs). You can create form templates for activities, for a single reporting period/activity combination, and for indicators. This page provides pl...
  2. Form Templates: Activity

    The Forms  tab in DevResults offers some basic tools to help you create reports in Microsoft Word (or PDFs). You can create form templates for activities, for a single reporting period/activity combination, and for indicators. This page provid...
  3. How to Use Forms

    The "Forms" tab in DevResults offers some basic tools to help you create reports, briefings, letters, forms, or other paperwork in Microsoft Word. Forms in DevResults work like Microsoft Word's Mail Merge. First, you create a template...
  4. Visualizations

    DevResults offers four main areas for visualizing data: Dashboards : Assemble and share multiple visualizations Indicator Reports : Configure graph, matrix, map, and pie chart visualizations for each indicator MultiMatrix : Generate a report ...
  5. Dates in Excel

    Having trouble with dates? Excel stores dates behind the scenes as the number of days since 1 Jan 1900. For example, 31 Dec 2020 is 44196. DevResults is only capable of reading that number or producing that number. It doesn't matter how your d...
  6. Visualizations: Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps

    DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Map (Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps) Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Pie (Pie Chart) The Map produces either a Choropleth Map or a Graduated Symbols Map that displays a sing...
  7. Visualizations: Pie Chart

    DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Map (Choropleth or Graduated Symbols Map) Pie (Pie Chart) The Pie Chart produces a pie or donut-shaped graph that displays a single reporting peri...
  8. Visualizations: Targets and Actuals Graph

    The Targets and Actuals Graph is a time series visualization designed to display indicator actuals and targets over time. It's the most complex indicator visualization we offer. We affectionately call it TAAG . For other visualizations, check...
  9. Formatting Text

    DevResults enables you to format text in narrative fields using a system called Markdown. Markdown uses simple characters to create emphasis, lists, headers, links, and images. If you use forms to generate reports from DevResults, the exported Wor...
  10. Dashboard Tile: Program Statistic - Lifetime Budget, Obligated, Awarded, Disbursed

    For DevResults sites that use the Budget  feature (as opposed to the Finance  feature), additional options are available for the Program Statistic dashboard tile. These options let you display top-line financial numbers, including: Li...