View Data

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DevResults offers four main areas for visualizing data: Dashboards : Assemble and share multiple visualizations Indicator Reports : Configure graph, matrix, map, and pie chart visualizations for each indicator MultiMatrix : Generate a report ...
Matrix is a powerful query tool for creating reports. Find Matrix in any indicator's reports tab.  The display section lets you choose how to slice, dice, and analyze your data. The filter section lets you choose a subset of your data to include. Y...
 Webinar: Matrix
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key Points from the Video Context This video is a recording of a live webinar hosted on 30 April 2019 about the Matrix feature. Matrix is a powerful query tool for creating reports. Find Matrix in an...
MultiMatrix  is a powerful query tool for organizing and analyzing data for multiple indicators. MultiMatrix works just like Matrix , but for more than one indicator. MultiMatrix reports can be saved to a list of reports or as a dashboard.  Cre...
Visualizations: Targets and Actuals Graph
The Targets and Actuals Graph is a time series visualization designed to display indicator actuals and targets over time. It's the most complex indicator visualization we offer. We affectionately call it TAAG . For other visualizations, check out...
Visualizations: Pie Chart
DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Map (Choropleth or Graduated Symbols Map) Pie (Pie Chart) The Pie Chart produces a pie or donut-shaped graph that displays a single reporting peri...
Visualizations: Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps
DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Map (Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps) Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Pie (Pie Chart) The Map produces either a Choropleth Map or a Graduated Symbols Map that displays a sing...
 Video Tutorial: Visualizations and Pito
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context DevResults provides a number of easy-to-use visualizations and reports for your indicators. Under Results > Overview, you can see thumbnail graphs of indicator resul...
Define a Dashboard
When you log in to DevResults, the first page you see is a dashboard. Each user can create and design as many dashboards as they'd like to show information relevant to them. Dashboards are edited by editing, arranging, resizing, adding, and removi...
 Video Tutorial: Dashboards
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context Dashboards are a powerful tool for visualizing progress and communicating about your work. Each user can create or view their own set of dashboards. Create new dash...
Partner Dashboards
When partners log in to DevResults, they see a customized data entry portal with each reporting reporting period assigned to their activity or activities.  Note: In DevResults, a partner  is a user assigned to any permission group with the "...
Dashboard Tile: Program Statistic - Lifetime Budget, Obligated, Awarded, Disbursed
For DevResults sites that use the Budget  feature (as opposed to the Finance  feature), additional options are available for the Program Statistic dashboard tile. These options let you display top-line financial numbers, including: Lifetime Bud...
Dashboard Tiles: Progress to Target
The Progress to Global Target and Progress to Activity Target dashboard tiles display icons for your choice of indicators to show how well you're doing against your targets.  Progress to Global Target Progress to Activity Target No...
MultiMatrix Basics for Partners
Partner users can create MultiMatrix dashboards in DevResults that allow them to view all of their indicator data. To use this feature, Partner Dashboards must be enabled in your DevResults site .  To create a MultiMatrix dashboard as a partner, c...
Activity Metadata
DevResults has introduced an updated activity index that allows users to visualize metadata for your activity portfolio. These tools let you create matrix reports and pie charts for counts of your activities by geography, status, mechanism, framewor...
Dashboard Tile: Geotagged Photos Map
The Geotagged Photos Map tile allows you to display a map of photos on a dashboard. Interact with the map by: Clicking on a location or administrative division to see thumbnails of one or more photos associated with that place.  Using the lef...