Updated Articles

  1. Dashboard Tile: Program Statistic - Lifetime Budget, Obligated, Awarded, Disbursed

    For DevResults sites that use the Budget  feature (as opposed to the Finance  feature), additional options are available for the Program Statistic dashboard tile. These options let you display top-line financial numbers, including: Li...
  2.  Video Tutorial: Dashboards

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context Dashboards are a powerful tool for visualizing progress and communicating about your work. Each user can create or view their own set of dashboards. Create new dash...
  3.  Video Tutorial: Visualizations and Pito

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context DevResults provides a number of easy-to-use visualizations and reports for your indicators. Under Results > Overview, you can see thumbnail graphs of indicator re...
  4.  Webinar: Matrix

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key Points from the Video Context This video is a recording of a live webinar hosted on 30 April 2019 about the Matrix feature. Matrix is a powerful query tool for creating reports. Find Matrix in an...
  5. Enterprise: Add Users to Linked Sites

    Owners of enterprise sites have three options for how to manage users on linked sites.  Add users to individual linked sites Add users to linked sites from the enterprise site Enable enterprise users to access linked sites automaticall...
  6. Edit Your Profile

    If you would like to make any changes to your profile, including changing your profile picture, first click on your profile picture (or default initials) at the top right corner of the page and select "Edit profile".  Then you can...
  7. Getting Support

    DevResults endeavors to provide user-friendly data and program management tools. If you run into any issues using the software, we're here to help. Main Reasons to Seek Support You have a question about using the site ( e.g. why am I no...
  8.  Video Tutorial: Partner Training

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context The goal of using DevResults is to make data entry easier for partners and to make information useful for decision-making. When data is entered into DevResults, maps...
  9. Pre On-Site Consultation

    Before an on-site consultation , DevResults' goal is to acquire a set of program information to set up a functional site. This information should be sent and explained prior to an on-site consultation, so that the visit can be spent finalizing ...
  10. Adopting DevResults

    Before launching your DevResults site , our goal is to acquire a set of program information to set up a site that is fully functional for reporting indicator results. The better organized this data is, the faster a client will be ready to launch. ...