

Feature Suggestions
Development of DevResults is driven by the feedback and suggestions from our clients. Our best features are inspired by you, so we love hearing your ideas about how we could improve the site. If you would like to submit a suggestion for a new or im...
Making Screenshots
Whether you're submitting a help ticket, preparing a training slide deck, or just sending an email, creating a good screenshot (or 'screengrab', or 'screen capture') is a useful and critical skill to learn. Below are several different ways you can t...
Resetting an Activity Reporting Period
Imagine a scenario where information was incorrectly added to an activity for a certain reporting period and you'd like to delete all of that information and return to a blank slate. For this, you can use the  Reset activity reporting period button...
How do I Change the Data Submission Window?
Problems to solve: The reporting period submission window is closed, but I want to enable activities to enter/edit data. Solve this problem for all activities with unsubmitted data.  Solve this problem for some activities with unsubmitted d...
Submitting Help Tickets
DevResults supports users via a Helpdesk, a shared platform that is staffed by one engineer and one data team member at all times. You can read more about our Helpdesk on our blog. On this page:  How to submit help tickets How to write good...
Why Can't My Partners See ___?
Your copy of DevResults is not designed to be a program management tool for your partners -- it's a program management tool for you. You have the ability to share some of your site with partners (like indicator definitions and activity overviews) de...