Updated Articles

  1.  Video Tutorial: Data Sources

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context There are three indicator data sources: direct entry, data table, and formula. When creating an indicator, the first thing to define is the indicator's data sour...
  2. IATI: Vocabulary Lists

    IATI Codelists IATI standardizes reporting by using codelists . Codelists make IATI data from different publishers comparable by providing everyone with the same set of options for defining their programs. A codelist is simply a defined set of opt...
  3.  Video Tutorial: Create an Activity

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context Preparing an activity for reporting requires assigning reporting periods, indicators, and geographic places. Partner users must either share an organization with the...
  4.  Video: DevResults Overview

    Here's a quick overview of our software. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@devresults.com or check out our public site at devresults.com . Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  5.  DevResults Challenge 01: ARPs

    Welcome to the first DevResults Challenge. We're launching challenges as a way to: Provide users with metrics about their DevResults sites, Offer tips and targets for improving long-term implementation of the platform, And our number one pri...
  6.  Video Tutorial: Entering Data

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context Whether your job is to enter data or review it, the same DevResults pages and tools apply. This video covers how to enter indicator results for "direct entry&qu...
  7. Interacting with Data Tables

    Most users work with several thousand records in individual data tables. Much like Excel, DevResults allows you to interact with data tables to search for specific records, filter columns for specific information, and sort columns to group certain v...
  8. GDPR: Tips and Tools

    The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on May 25, 2018, is pushing organizations (private, public, and non-profit) to reconsider the ways in which they collect, store, use, and disseminate persona...