Popular Articles

  1. How are Activities Linked to Data Tables?

    When a data table is 'linked' to an activity, it appears in the data table dropdown menu for an activity's reporting period. This allows the activity — and especially the activity's partners — to report information in the...
  2. IATI: Supported elements

    DevResults supports the export of activity and organization data in XML format according to the IATI Data Standard. Below is a list of the activity and organization elements currently available for export. Supporting additional IATI elements will be...
  3. Report 'Direct Entry' Data via Excel (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter indicator results: Using an Excel template (as shown on this page) Entering data online Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or in an Excel template. For example, you...
  4. Interacting with Data Tables

    Most users work with several thousand records in individual data tables. Much like Excel, DevResults allows you to interact with data tables to search for specific records, filter columns for specific information, and sort columns to group certain v...
  5. Report 'Data Table' Data Online (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter data into data tables: Entering data online (as shown on this page) Uploading a spreadsheet containing all your rows of data Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or upl...
  6. Diagnostics

    If you administer or configure a DevResults site and you can't figure out why something isn't working or you want to check that other people are setting things up properly, check out the Diagnostics page. This page exists to help you find ...
  7. Enter Narrative Responses (Partners)

    1) Log into DevResults.  Your website will be something.devresults.com.  Forgot your password? You can get a new one yourself. Does the site not recognize your email? Talk to your contacts to whom you report data. DevResults staff ...
  8. Contributor Exam

    DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with data entry and report-making responsibilities in DevResults. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test unde...
  9. DevResults Information Requirements

    System Setup: To create a new DevResults site, we provide a setup template (or a series of templates) that captures the program information needed to create a fully functional platform for monitoring and evaluation. These templates are designed spe...
  10. IATI: Vocabulary Lists

    IATI Codelists IATI standardizes reporting by using codelists . Codelists make IATI data from different publishers comparable by providing everyone with the same set of options for defining their programs. A codelist is simply a defined set of opt...