Report 'Direct Entry' Data via Excel (Partners)

There are two ways to enter indicator results:

Mix and match data entry: You can use a combination of entering data online or in an Excel template. For example, you might start out entering some data online for your activity, but then download the Excel template to finish work offline. This will download any results that you've already entered. Once you upload your Excel template, you will still be able to edit those results online until you are ready to submit your data for review.

1) Log into DevResults. Your website will be 

  • Forgot your password? You can get a new one yourself.
  • Does the site not recognize your email? Talk to your contacts to whom you report data. DevResults staff cannot give partners access to the system.

2) When you log in, you will be taken to your Partner Dashboard. The top right has a tile with a card for each of the activities you have access to. Each activity card has a link to any open reporting periods. Click on the open reporting period for your activity to enter data.

3) Now you are viewing your Activity Reporting Page. This includes a list of all the indicators for which your activity should report results for the selected reporting period. 

To report data using an Excel template:

1) Click on the gear icon and then select "Download results template".

2) On the popup window, make sure all technical areas are selected if you want to report on all of your activity's indicators. Otherwise, check the boxes for just the indicators for which you want to report results. Click "Download". This downloads an Excel file to whatever folder your computer uses for downloads, such as the Downloads folder or your computer's Desktop.

Would you prefer a separate template for location or facility where you report data? Check the box for "Export each location as a separate worksheet". This will download a zipped file with templates for each location or facility. Be patient; it might take several minutes. When you've collected the completed templates, put them back into a zipped folder (you can change the names of the files and folder) and then upload the zipped folder.

3) Fill out the Excel template like any normal Excel file. You can change the name of the file, but the file will not let you change the row or column headings.

  • There is a tab for each reporting level for each technical area (such as prefecture-level reporting for area 2.3 and location-level reporting for area 2.3 -- the first two tabs below).
  • In each tab, the rows show the places (location/facility/district/region/etc.) where you should report indicator results.
  • The columns show the indicators (plus disaggregations) that your activity should report. There is a column to enter comments for each indicator for each place.
  • You do not need to enter any totals for an indicator's disaggregations or for all locations. DevResults does this automatically.

If any of the places where you need to report indicator results do not show up, get in touch with your contacts to whom you report.

They might need to:

If any of your indicators do not show up, they might need to:

4) When you're ready to upload your data, click on the gear icon and select "Upload results template" on your activity's reporting page.

5) Select the file from your computer's folders and then click "Open".

6) A popup window appears with a progress bar while the system imports and validates your spreadsheet. When it's done, click "Upload". All indicator results are now stored online. You can view totals on your activity reporting page or click on each indicator for details.

7) When all data entry is complete for the reporting period, submit your data by selecting "Submit all activity data for review" from the status dropdown in the top right of the page.

Note: This action cannot be undone; if you need to edit any information before the data is reviewed/accepted by the organization to whom you report, then contact them to have them "return" the data to you. 

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