Popular Articles

  1. Count Unique Sets Examples

    This article provides a deep dive into the Count Unique Sets option for a data table indicator. Before exploring this article, make sure you're familiar with the basics for count unique sets .  Below, we'll walk through a few count ...
  2.  Video Tutorial: Create an Indicator

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context At a minimum, defining an indicator requires identifying the data source, indicator type, number format, disaggregations (if applicable), geographic disaggregation, ...
  3. Add Map Overlays

    The Goal: You would like to display additional map features as context for the geographic focus of your work, such as rivers, roads, or conservation areas. You do not need to collect or report data against these features. The Solution: DevRes...
  4. Manage Narrative Questions

    To edit your program's narrative questions (not for partners), go to the Program Info dropdown menu and select " Narrative Questions ". Note: If you cannot complete this action, then you do not have permission to edit your prog...
  5. Budget

    Jump to information about: Activity Budget Tab Activity Index Activity Budget Tab Each activity has a budget tab for planning budgeting, tracking deliverables, and recording disbursements. We've described the intent and function ...
  6. IATI Hub: Generate IATI files

    More and more organizations are realizing the benefits of publishing open data on their activities, funding streams, and results using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data standard. Many donors now require that grantees and re...
  7. Qualitative Data

    "Qualitative data" means many things to many people. In general, the term "qualitative data" covers information that is non-numerical in nature, usually collected through surveys, focus groups, interviews, written comments, etc. ...
  8. Report 'Direct Entry' Data Online (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter indicator results: Entering data online (as shown on this page) Using an Excel template Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or in an Excel template. For example, you...
  9. Dashboard Tile: Program Statistic - Lifetime Budget, Obligated, Awarded, Disbursed

    For DevResults sites that use the Budget  feature (as opposed to the Finance  feature), additional options are available for the Program Statistic dashboard tile. These options let you display top-line financial numbers, including: Li...
  10. Enterprise: Copying Indicators using the Indicator Library

    One of the perks of our enterprise setups is that you can use your enterprise site's Indicators Index as a Global Indicator Library, copying indicators (and their related disaggregations, etc.) directly to any linked site. This has several advan...