Enter Narrative Responses (Partners)

1) Log into DevResults. Your website will be something.devresults.com. 

  • Forgot your password? You can get a new one yourself.
  • Does the site not recognize your email? Talk to your contacts to whom you report data. DevResults staff cannot give partners access to the system.

2) When you log in, you will be taken to your Partner Dashboard. The top right has a tile with a card for each of the activities you have access to. Each activity card has a link to any open reporting periods. Click on the open reporting period for your activity to enter a narrative response. (You can also enter narrative responses for closed periods by finding the period in the orange index tile below). 

3) Select the Narrative tab. Click to add responses for each question, either by pasting in text or typing it in directly. All changes save automatically.

4) Text can be formatted using Markdown. You can use headers, emphasis, lists, links, images, tables, and other features. 

5) You can also add responses in bulk. Click on the gear icon and select Download narrative responses (to edit existing entries and add new ones) or Download blank template (to add new entries).

Add your narrative responses to the spreadsheet and then click Import to add the data back to the site.

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