Popular Articles

  1. ARCHIVED: Sample Setup Template

    Note:  As of 2024, DevResults offers a new, more flexible system for creating a new DevResults site. Please see our revised Setup Instructions for information about the current setup process.  Click here to download a sample setup template. ...
  2. Checklist Templates

    The checklists feature lets you keep track of tasks and assign them to particular users. For information about creating and using checklists, please see Checklists . You might have a checklist that you'd like to use multiple times, for multiple ...
  3. What is Enterprise?

    Enterprise was designed to enable seamless data flows between project-level instances of DevResults and headquarters instances of DevResults. "Enterprise" is our name for that set of linked DevResults sites. What does Enterprise offer, and how is it...
  4.  Video Tutorial: Create an Activity

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context Preparing an activity for reporting requires assigning reporting periods, indicators, and geographic places. Partner users must either share an organization with the...
  5.  Video Tutorial: Visualizations and Pito

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context DevResults provides a number of easy-to-use visualizations and reports for your indicators. Under Results > Overview, you can see thumbnail graphs of indicator resul...
  6.  Video Tutorial: Data Sources

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context There are three indicator data sources: direct entry, data table, and formula. When creating an indicator, the first thing to define is the indicator's data source. ...
  7. Branding and Customizing Your Site

    DevResults offers a few options for branding and customizing your site. To make changes to branding and customization, you must be part of a user group that has View & Edit privileges for Program Settings . Options include: Program Information...
  8. Find and Merge Duplicate Locations

    Chances are that sometimes, you or other users accidentally create duplicates of existing locations--maybe a slight difference in how the location is spelled, or its coordinates, or maybe its code. Our  Merge Duplicate Locations tool will help you ...
  9. Training Topics

    DevResults has a ton of cool features that go beyond entering indicator results and managing activities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive list of topics that a trained DevResults expert can do and explain. When we do a training with your team, ...
  10. Assign a Reporting Cycle to an Indicator for an Activity

    When an indicator is assigned to an activity, the assignment comes with that indicator's default reporting cycle . For example, you might have an indicator that is reported quarterly by most activities (so "quarterly" is the indicator's default rep...