Popular Articles

  1. Baselines

    Topics in this article When does an indicator have a baseline?  How do I enter baselines?  How are baselines used?  Why is there no separate field for baselines? Note: This page applies only to sites that have IATI r...
  2. Data Source: Populate from a Linked Data Table

    Once you've linked data tables to one another, you can design indicators that pull results directly from those tables. The options to design indicators from linked tables are exactly the same as when you populate from a single data table . Pl...
  3. Remote Training

    Remote Training Considerations Our goal is that DevResults users have the proper training and support. Our long-term plan is to design a complete, online, self-serve training program, but this is a significant engineering effort that will not be d...
  4. Administrator Exam

    DevResults has developed a standard exam as a tool for training users with administrative responsibilities in the DevResults site. If you provide training to other users on these skills, we advise offering the exam to your trainees to test understan...
  5. Upload Photos

    DevResults allows you to store photos. Every photo is associated with an activity. Photos are uploaded to an activity page and all photos can be viewed in the global photos page found at Tools > Photos . Photo storage is unlimited. To upload a ...
  6. Manage Fiscal Years

    Defining fiscal years will let you create reports that aggregate results by year where the year might start on an arbitrary day, like October 1st. Every reporting cycle is associated with one fiscal year. Most programs operate with one fiscal year ...
  7. Configuration Guide

    If you're just getting started with DevResults, we have several articles on Site Setup to help you. This covers how we work, how we create your site, how we conduct trainings, etc.  Once your site is set up, you can begin configurin...
  8. Troubleshooting Checklist

    You or one of your users has issues logging into DevResults and not being able to report data. This quick checklist will walk you through the most common causes for this issue and how to think about investigating problems in DevResults in general. ...
  9. Who Has Access to Data Tables

    For all users, data table access is first determined by the user's permissions group. Two permission areas govern access to data tables, and each user group can defined with an option for each area: The Data Table Contributor permission ar...
  10. Adopting DevResults

    Before launching your DevResults site , our goal is to acquire a set of program information to set up a site that is fully functional for reporting indicator results. The better organized this data is, the faster a client will be ready to launch. ...