Updated Articles

  1. How are Activities Linked to Data Tables?

    When a data table is 'linked' to an activity, it appears in the data table dropdown menu for an activity's reporting period. This allows the activity — and especially the activity's partners — to report information in the...
  2. Define a Results Framework

    DevResults uses Results Frameworks to organize indicators into hierarchies of results. Some organizations use other terms for a results framework, like 'logframe'. Some might call their results 'goals', 'objectives' or '...
  3. Manage Users

    DevResults offers several tools for managing users: Add a new user Change a user's permission group (or other information) Add or edit multiple users using an Excel upload Edit multiple users from the user index Assign passw...
  4. Count Unique Sets Examples

    This article provides a deep dive into the Count Unique Sets option for a data table indicator. Before exploring this article, make sure you're familiar with the basics for count unique sets .  Below, we'll walk through a few count ...
  5. Data Source: Populate from a data table

    After you have created a data table , you can design indicators that pull results directly from the data table. This article covers how to:  Define a data table indicator Configure one of four calculation types: Count all Count uniqu...
  6. Archive and Export Options

    Many DevResults users want to or are required to export and download copies of their data, either to conduct offline data analysis, purely for archival purposes, or something in between. This article provides an overview of the options available, an...
  7. Get New Password

    Whether you're forgotten your password or need to set up a new password, you can do both from the login page. First, navigate to your DevResults site (____.devresults.com). Click on the Reset password button. (You no longer need to enter your...
  8. Geography Glossary

    Geographies define where activities take place and results are achieved. All DevResults indicator data must be associated with a geography. In this article: What Are Geographies? How Are Geographies Used? How Do I Map Other Geographic Da...
  9. Inactive Indicators

    Commonly, organizations report on an indicator for a while and then retire that indicator in favor of updated versions. In most cases, organizations will want to keep the data for that original indicator. In DevResults, this workflow is captured by ...
  10. Branding and Customizing Your Site

    DevResults offers a few options for branding and customizing your site. To make changes to branding and customization, you must be part of a user group that has View & Edit privileges for Program Settings . Options include: Program Informa...