Updated Articles

  1. Enterprise Linked Site Setup Checklist

    Here are the steps to follow to report data successfully from one DevResults site to another: Download the Enterprise Linking Request Template.xlsx In the first row, enter the URLs for the sites that you would like to link In the following row...
  2. Visualizations: Targets and Actuals Graph

    The Targets and Actuals Graph is a time series visualization designed to display indicator actuals and targets over time. It's the most complex indicator visualization we offer. We affectionately call it TAAG . For other visualizations, check...
  3. Visualizations: Pie Chart

    DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Map (Choropleth or Graduated Symbols Map) Pie (Pie Chart) The Pie Chart produces a pie or donut-shaped graph that displays a single reporting peri...
  4. Visualizations

    DevResults offers four main areas for visualizing data: Dashboards : Assemble and share multiple visualizations Indicator Reports : Configure graph, matrix, map, and pie chart visualizations for each indicator MultiMatrix : Generate a report ...
  5. Tags and Sectors

    DevResults offers two multi-purpose tools for organizing, sorting, and filtering information: tags  and sectors defined by users.  Tags  enable users to filter activities, data tables, indicators, locations, organizations, and p...
  6. How do I handle baseline assessment and evaluation reporting?

    Most monitoring indicators are collected at regular intervals, such as annually, quarterly, or monthly. If you have indicators that are only collected irregularly, for instance as part of a baseline assessment or impact evaluation, you may only wa...
  7. Troubleshooting Checklist

    You or one of your users has issues logging into DevResults and not being able to report data. This quick checklist will walk you through the most common causes for this issue and how to think about investigating problems in DevResults in general. ...
  8. Budget

    Jump to information about: Activity Budget Tab Activity Index Activity Budget Tab Each activity has a budget tab for planning budgeting, tracking deliverables, and recording disbursements. We've described the intent and function ...
  9. Assign a Reporting Period to an Activity

    For an activity to report results in DevResults, the reporting period that the activity's indicators report on must be assigned to that activity. There are two ways in which reporting periods can be added to an activity: Add reporting per...
  10. Configuration Guide

    If you're just getting started with DevResults, we have several articles on Site Setup to help you. This covers how we work, how we create your site, how we conduct trainings, etc.  Once your site is set up, you can begin configurin...