Updated Articles

  1. Create a Data Table

    Data Tables in DevResults allow you to directly upload spreadsheets of individual-level records and other raw data like tables of organizations, policies, and events. Data tables can have as many columns as you want, including text fields that...
  2. Assign a Geography to an Activity

    In this page: Assign Geographies to an Activity Assign Geographies to Activities using an Excel Template Advanced Geography Settings Assign Geographies to an Activity All indicator data in DevResults is associated with a geographic pl...
  3. Bulk Imports

    Users have the option to make many kinds of changes to their DevResults site in one place by using the Bulk Imports page. Additions of activities, indicators, locations, targets, and more can be done by completing and importing Excel templates. Mo...
  4. Disaggregations

    In this page: What are disaggregations and what information do I need to define them? Create a disaggregation Edit a disaggregation Upload new disaggregations Assign disaggregations to indicators What are "cross-disaggregati...
  5. Define an Indicator

    DevResults offers several tools for defining indicators: Create or edit a single indicator Create or edit multiple indicators using an Excel upload Edit multiple indicators from the indicator index Note:  Any user whos...
  6. Define an Activity

    DevResults offers several tools for defining activities: Create or edit a single activity Create or edit multiple activities using an Excel upload Edit multiple activities from the activity index Note:  Any user whose grou...
  7. Why Can't My Partners See ___?

    Your copy of DevResults is not designed to be a program management tool for your partners -- it's a program management tool for you. You have the ability to share some of your site with partners (like indicator definitions and activity overviews...
  8. Import Data From SurveyCTO

    DevResults integrates fully with SurveyCTO , a mobile data collection tool. Surveys in SurveyCTO can be imported to DevResults as a data table. In this article: Create a data table and import SurveyCTO data Refresh an existing table with Surv...
  9. Upload Photos

    DevResults allows you to store photos. Every photo is associated with an activity. Photos are uploaded to an activity page and all photos can be viewed in the global photos page found at Tools > Photos . Photo storage is unlimited. To upload a ...
  10. DevResults API

    In this article: Using an external API tool to access components of the DevResults app Using in-app API Keys An API (Application Program Interface) lets you access components of one application for use in another. DevResults' API allows...