Popular Articles

  1. Change Your Password

    From any DevResults page, click on your picture (or default initials) in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu that appears, select Edit profile . On your profile page, click on the Send password reset link by email button.  C...
  2. About KML Files

    KML files contain the geographic information that forms the Administrative Division shapes on your DevResults site. DevResults requires that data be associated with places (either points or areas) and geographic shapes are required to define the sco...
  3. Archive and Export Options

    Many DevResults users want to or are required to export and download copies of their data, either to conduct offline data analysis, purely for archival purposes, or something in between. This article provides an overview of the options available, an...
  4. Matrix

    Matrix is a powerful query tool for creating reports. Find Matrix in any indicator's reports tab.  The display section lets you choose how to slice, dice, and analyze your data. The filter section lets you choose a subset of your data to i...
  5. IATI: Configure your site for IATI exports

    All of the world's major donors have agreed to publish their data using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard. Many now require that grantees and recipients report back to them in IATI format. DevResults supports one-cl...
  6. Bulk Imports

    Users have the option to make many kinds of changes to their DevResults site in one place by using the Bulk Imports page. Additions of activities, indicators, locations, targets, and more can be done by completing and importing Excel templates. Mo...
  7. Feature Suggestions

    Development of DevResults is driven by the feedback and suggestions from our clients. Our best features are inspired by you, so we love hearing your ideas about how we could improve the site. If you would like to submit a suggestion for a new or im...
  8. Assign a User to an Activity

    Assigning users to activities provides three main benefits: Provides a shared record of who is involved with an activity, both internally and externally Ensures that associated users get notifications about activity discussions and data submissio...
  9. Report 'Data Table' Data via Excel (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter data into data tables: Entering data online Uploading a spreadsheet containing all your rows of data (as shown on this page) Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or upl...
  10. Targets

    DevResults enables users to set targets for indicator results. Targets define goals per indicator, per reporting period, and (optionally) per activity. When targets are entered in DevResults, the system automatically includes progress-to-target ...