Updated Articles

  1. Change Your Password

    From any DevResults page, click on your picture (or default initials) in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu that appears, select Edit profile . On your profile page, click on the Send password reset link by email button.  Check ...
  2. Report 'Direct Entry' Data Online (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter indicator results: Entering data online (as shown on this page) Using an Excel template Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or in an Excel template. For example, you migh...
  3. Visualizations: Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps

    DevResults has 3 main types of Indicator Visualizations: Map (Choropleth and Graduated Symbols Maps) Graph (Targets and Actuals Graph) Pie (Pie Chart) The Map produces either a Choropleth Map or a Graduated Symbols Map that displays a sing...
  4. MultiMatrix

    MultiMatrix  is a powerful query tool for organizing and analyzing data for multiple indicators. MultiMatrix works just like Matrix , but for more than one indicator. MultiMatrix reports can be saved to a list of reports or as a dashboard.  Cre...
  5. Dashboard Tiles: Progress to Target

    The Progress to Global Target and Progress to Activity Target dashboard tiles display icons for your choice of indicators to show how well you're doing against your targets.  Progress to Global Target Progress to Activity Target No...
  6. Indicator Data Sources

    Indicators measure progress toward objectives. This page describes the three sources for an indicator's results in DevResults.  Direct Entry : for entering numbers each reporting period (e.g. once per quarter, per year, etc.) Strengths & uses...
  7. Enter 'Direct Entry' Data

    There are several ways to add or view indicator results. This page describes the best place to edit or review indicator results (or an activity's data entry status) for a particular reporting period. Enter data online Enter data offline (via E...
  8. Enter 'Data Table' Data

    On this page: Add new information to data tables (online) Add new information to data table (via Excel) Update information in data table (via Excel) Managing very large data tables (over 50,000 rows) Add new information to data tabl...
  9. Permissions Overview

    DevResults manages access using permissions groups. In plain English: Users are assigned to a single group. A group is defined with an access level for each part of the site. This makes it easy to see a user's permission and to update permissio...
  10. ARCHIVED: Setup Template Instructions

    Note:  As of 2024, DevResults offers a new, more flexible system for creating a new DevResults site. Please see our revised Setup Instructions for information about the current setup process.  Overview The DevResults Setup Template forms th...