New Articles

  1. Why Can't My Partners See ___?

    Your copy of DevResults is not designed to be a program management tool for your partners -- it's a program management tool for you. You have the ability to share some of your site with partners (like indicator definitions and activity overviews...
  2. ARCHIVED: Sample Setup Template

    Note:  As of 2024, DevResults offers a new, more flexible system for creating a new DevResults site. Please see our revised Setup Instructions for information about the current setup process.  Click here to download a sample setup ...
  3. Training Topics

    DevResults has a ton of cool features that go beyond entering indicator results and managing activities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive list of topics that a trained DevResults expert can do and explain. When we do a training with your te...
  4. When can you complete my new DevResults site?

    The timeline for creating your new DevResults site depends on you more than it depends on us.  The DevResults team can create a new site, complete with your geographic scope and reporting periods, in under 10 business days . But in order fo...
  5. Checklist Templates

    The checklists feature lets you keep track of tasks and assign them to particular users. For information about creating and using checklists, please see Checklists . You might have a checklist that you'd like to use multiple times, for multi...
  6. System Announcements

    Ever notice how DevResults occasionally posts site announcements in banners at the top of your site? Note: You can hide individual system announcements by clicking the Got it button on the right. Users (with permission to edit Program Setti...
  7. Budget

    Jump to information about: Activity Budget Tab Activity Index Activity Budget Tab Each activity has a budget tab for planning budgeting, tracking deliverables, and recording disbursements. We've described the intent and function ...
  8. Upload Photos

    DevResults allows you to store photos. Every photo is associated with an activity. Photos are uploaded to an activity page and all photos can be viewed in the global photos page found at Tools > Photos . Photo storage is unlimited. To upload a ...
  9. Checklists

    Checklists are a great tool for tracking and managing milestones and tasks. Checklists are associated with specific activities. One activity can have an unlimited number of checklists, and a single checklist can have an unlimited number of tasks in ...
  10. Enterprise: Add Users to Linked Sites

    Owners of enterprise sites have three options for how to manage users on linked sites.  Add users to individual linked sites Add users to linked sites from the enterprise site Enable enterprise users to access linked sites automaticall...