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  1. DevResults to Power BI

    You can import DevResults results data directly to Power BI Desktop using our custom connector.  Installing the DevResults Custom Connector Note:  As the DevResults to Power BI custom connector is not signed by Microsoft, please allow all extens...
  2. Import Data From SurveyCTO

    DevResults integrates fully with SurveyCTO , a mobile data collection tool. Surveys in SurveyCTO can be imported to DevResults as a data table. In this article: Tips for designing your SurveyCTO survey Create a DevResults data tab...
  3. Assign a Geography to an Activity

    In this page: Assign Geographies to an Activity Assign Geographies to Activities using an Excel Template Advanced Geography Settings Assign Geographies to an Activity All indicator data in DevResults is associated with a geographic pl...
  4. Custom Queries

    Custom queries are reports designed by users and built by DevResults staff to provide folks with additional ways of organizing program information. While DevResults offers many built-in tools for examining program information, there might be some wa...
  5. Integrating Mobile Data Collection Tools

    DevResults can work with any mobile data collection tool (MDCT) to import raw data, survey responses, and other information directly into a DevResults data table. Once imported, DevResults handles indicator calculations for this externally-collected...
  6. Setup Instructions

    Overview DevResults sites are structured by sets of program information (like indicators and activities) and the relationships between those sets (like which activity reports on which indicators). The process of setting up a new DevResults si...
  7. Visualizations

    DevResults offers four main areas for visualizing data: Dashboards : Assemble and share multiple visualizations Indicator Reports : Configure graph, matrix, map, and pie chart visualizations for each indicator MultiMatrix : Generate...
  8. Link Data Tables

    Linked data tables allow you to connect one or more tables by information common to both. For example, you can have one table of schools that contains all the categorical information about each school (location, size, level, urban v rural, etc.) and...
  9. Activity Metadata

    DevResults has introduced an updated activity index that allows users to visualize metadata for your activity portfolio. These tools let you create matrix reports and pie charts for counts of your activities by geography, status, mechanism, framewor...
  10. Data Submission & Approval Process

    DevResults has a built-in submission and approval process for each reporting period, for each activity. Each of an activity's reporting periods will move through five statuses: No Data:  This is the initial status for each reporting period for ...