Setup Instructions


DevResults sites are structured by sets of program information (like indicators and activities) and the relationships between those sets (like which activity reports on which indicators). The process of setting up a new DevResults site involves filling out some templates with that information and uploading them. DevResults is happy to help organize this information, and we collaborate on the configuration and import every step of the way. But ultimately, you are responsible for the program content provided. 

These templates do not capture 100% of information that will comprise your new DevResults site. There are additional configuration options not covered here, such as customizing user permissions, defining narrative questions, and setting up budgets. These templates are designed to collect essential program information required for users to be able to report monitoring and evaluation data.

Uploading program information to DevResults using these templates is optional. You could instead add the same information through the user interface one element at a time. We generally advise using these templates to get started, but everything uploaded can also be added/edited/deleted with user-friendly tools online. You will probably use a combination of uploads and online additions/edits as you manage your program information going forward. 

If you do not have some of the requested information, we can help with things like establishing codes for identifying indicators or finding coordinates for the locations for which your activities report data. Please don't hesitate to get in touch about anything that is unclear. Everyone organizes and manages their information a little differently, and we can help figure out the best way to structure that information DevResults.


There's no one correct order for uploading information, but we offer a few guideposts.

Templates you likely need to do first:

  • Organizations: It's a good idea to add your organization list before your activity list, because the activity template lets you link activities to existing organizations. 
  • Activities: It's important to think carefully about what constitutes an "activity" in your organization. You might call them something else, like projects, programs, awards, grants, etc. The term "activity" can be renamed in your DevResults site to match your organization's terminology. Please read more about activities here before completing the activity template. 
  • Result Frameworks: It's a good idea to add result frameworks before indicators, because the indicator template lets you link indicators to existing results frameworks. 
  • Indicators: You have the option of either adding your list of indicators or disaggregations first. If you add indicators first, this will create stub disaggregations like Sex. You would then complete the disaggregations online later by adding the disaggregation categories like Male/Female/Other
  • Disaggregations: Or you can start with importing disaggregations and their categories. Then you would next import indicators that reference these existing disaggregations.  
  • Users: You can add users whenever you'd like for them to have access. 
  • Locations: If your organization reports data for individual locations (rather than just administrative divisions like countries or provinces) then it's a good idea to add them before the next steps. 

Templates you likely need to do second:

  • Activity Indicator Mappings: Once you have activities and indicators, this template defines which goes with which. You might prefer to specify these links online instead of uploading a template.
  • Activity Geography Mappings: Activities must be mapped to the places where the report data, which might include admin divisions (like countries or provinces) and might include locations (like cities or hospitals). 
  • Activity Roles: Once you have activities in your site, this template defines which user goes with which activity. This is required if partners who report data are restricted to seeing only their own activity's data. 

Templates you might not need:

  • Reporting Periods: We generally add your reporting periods before you begin based on how frequently your organization reports, like quarterly, annually, semi-annually, etc. It's likely that you won't need to make any changes here. 
  • Tags: When you add tags in your uploads for activities, organizations, indicators, and locations, the system creates them automatically, so you don't need to upload them separately unless you want to add a comprehensive list to start with.
  • Mechanisms: Funding mechanisms for activities can be created when you import the activity template, so you don't need to upload them unless you want to add a comprehensive list to start with. 
  • Indicator Targets: If you have targets for your indicators and activities, you can upload them, but it's not required. You might prefer that users add targets online instead of centrally managing an upload. 


Organization (max 255 characters)

  • Please list all organizations that fund or implement your activities. Include your own organization.

Short Name (max 50 characters)

  • The Short Name is a unique identifier for each organization. Each organization must have a different Short Name.
  • You might want to use the abbreviation that people already commonly use to refer to each organization.

Phone, Fax, Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Website

  • Optional: Add additional information about each organization in these columns.
  • For the Country column, use the two-character abbreviation for the country (e.g. United States is US).


  • Optional: List the main email associated with each organization.

Primary Contact, Contact Title

  • Optional: List the name and title of the primary contact for each organization.


  • Tags are a flexible tool in DevResults for sorting information. Tags can be anything you like. These tags can help identify types of information that cut across different parts of your results frameworks, like "climate" or "gender" or "local capacity".
  • List all of an organization's tags separated by commas. There is no limit to how many tags you can assign to an organization.
  • Other sets of information in the system that can be tagged include: Activities, Indicators, and Locations. You can use the same tags for those pieces of information, or different ones.

IATI Identifier [Only for sites that publish to IATI, defined in Administration > Settings]

  • Add the organization's IATI identification code for purposes of publishing to the International Aid Transparency Initiative.

IATI Organization Type [Only for sites that publish to IATI, defined in Administration > Settings]

  • Choose from the organization types defined by IATI.


  • Optional: Add any additional information in the notes column. 

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Name (max 1000 characters)

  • An "Activity" in DevResults is a central organizing feature of the system. It is up to you to decide what an activity means to you. Activities might be internal projects managed by different teams, or sub-grantees or external projects managed by other organizations who report data to you, or some combination of the two. 
  • Please read more about activities here before completing the activity template.
  • Most folks use the general guideline that one grant or award number = one activity. There are a variety of tools for grouping related activities.
  • Activities are generally not single events, but are ongoing programs or implementing mechanisms that report indicator results each reporting period.

Short Name (max 1000 characters)

  • The Short Name is a unique identifier for each activity. 
  • You might want to use the abbreviation that people already commonly use to refer to each activity.

Ref # (max 100 characters)

  • Reference numbers, such as grant or award numbers, can be added if you have them.

Code (max 100 characters)

  • If you don't already use additional codes to refer to activities, there is no need to create an additional identifier. Including this additional identifier for the activity is optional.


  • Optional: Provide the status of each activity.
  • Default status options include: Active, Completed, Not Started, Open, Suspended, Terminated, and Expired. You can change or add to these options if required at Administration > Status Options.


  • Optional: Add the mechanism for each activity, such as "contract", "grant", or "purchase order".

Start Date, End Date

  • Provide the start and end dates for each activity.
  • If you do not have this information, leave it blank. This information gives you a shortcut for assigning the correct reporting periods to the activity. Without it, reporting periods will need to be assigned online for each activity. 


  • You have the option to label activities in DevResults by sector. You can create as many sectors as you'd like. Sectors can help identify activities by their main areas of focus, like "health" or "education".
  • List all of an activity's sectors separated by commas. There is no limit to how many sectors you can assign to an activity.
  • Indicators can also be labeled with sectors.


  • Tags are a flexible tool in DevResults for labeling and sorting information. Tags can be anything you like. These tags can help identify types of information that cut across different parts of your results frameworks, like "climate" or "gender" or "local capacity".
  • List all of an activity's tags separated by commas. There is no limit to how many tags you can assign to an activity.
  • Other sets of information in the system that can be tagged include: Organizations, Indicators, and Locations. You can use the same tags for those pieces of information, or different ones.

Primary Organization

  • The organization that oversees each activity (whether it is your organization or an external organization) should be identified here. 
  • If it doesn't appear in the drop-down, first add the organization online or with the organizations template.

Awarding Organization

  • Optional: Add the organization that awarded funds for each activity.
  • If it doesn't appear in the drop-down, first add the organization online or with the organizations template.

Context, Objectives, Summary, Expected Results, Beneficiary Description, Deliverables & Reporting

  • Optional: These columns provide the opportunity to add descriptive information about each activity. These fields appear on the activity's overview page. 
  • The titles for these six fields are merely defaults/suggestions. You can change them, remove fields, or add fields to store descriptive information about your activity. Read more about custom fields for activities.

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Result Frameworks

This template allows you to add components of result frameworks. For example, if you have a framework called "Strategic Objectives", the components might be objectives like "1 Health, 1.1 Access, 1.2 Prevention, 1.3 Treatment", and so on. Before you can import the components, you need to create the frameworks online. You might just have one framework for your program, or you might also organize indicators under other frameworks such as the Foreign Assistance Framework, the PEPFAR framework, etc.


  • Each row in this table should capture a separate results framework component.
  • In this column, select which framework this component belongs to. 

Code (Max 50 characters)

  • Assign result codes to each framework using periods to denote hierarchy. For example, "AB.1" means that this framework component is nested under the broader category, "AB".
  • Codes may only include letters, numbers, periods, and dashes. Using spaces, commas, slashes, or other special characters will result in an error.
  • Ideally, all Codes are unique. Codes must at least be unique within each framework.

Short Name (max 1000 characters)

  • Provide the name of the framework component/objective/technical area.

Desired Result

  • Optional: Add a longer name/description for each framework component.


  • Define whether the framework result is currently active (True/False).

Result Type

  • Optional: Define the result as Output, Outcome, Impact, or Other.

Suitable for Aggregation [Only for sites that publish to IATI, defined in Administration > Settings]

  • As required for IATI publication, define this result as suitable for aggregation (True/False). 

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  • Define whether the indicator is currently active (True/False).

Code (max 50 characters)

  • The Code is the unique identifier for each indicator. Each indicator must have a different Code.
  • You might want to use the codes that people already commonly use to refer to each indicator. If you don't use any codes to identify indicators, we advise you to come up with a coding system that relates to the way you think about how these indicators are organized, such as referencing the results frameworks, sectors, or indicator types.

Indicator (max 1000 characters)

  • An indicator name should clearly define the thing you are measuring. Phrases like "Increase in certifications" or "Level of support" are not good indicators, because they don't tell someone how to answer the question. Better indicators would be something like "# trainees certified" (which can be analyzed over time for increases) or "Average support score on a scale of 1-10" (which provides context for a numerical result). 
  • We have found that it is faster and easier to read through indicators that are abbreviated with "#" for "Number of", "%" for "Percentage of", and "$" for "Value of".


  • The Type describes how the data will be handled. The options are "Sum", "Average", and "Yes/No".
  • Sum: Counts of things created or accomplished should be summed across locations and over time, such as, "# children vaccinated". Use a sum to generate totals of all indicator results reported.
  • Average: Percentages, indexes, scores, and mean values should be averaged between locations and over time. For an indicator like "% administrators trained," you wouldn't want to add 70% from quarter 1 to 90% from quarter two. In this case, you would use an average.
  • Yes/No: Indicator results can also have binary, yes/no values. Take the indicator, "% locations audited". If it were reported for each location, each location was either audited or not, so the response would be yes or no. The aggregate result in the system for all locations would show the percent of locations that were recorded with "yes".


  • An indicator's number format describes how the data should be displayed. The options are "Whole Number", "Percentage", and "Decimal".
  • Whole Number: Use "Whole Number" to express integers for indicators where you don't deal in fractions of units, such as counts of individuals.
  • Percentage: Percentages are displayed as portions of 100, so if you have a result of "80%" for an indicator, you will enter "80" and not "0.8".
  • Decimal: Decimals show two digits after the decimal and should be used for things like scores an indexes to show something like 7.45 on a scale of 1-10.
  • Indicators can only have one number format. If you wish to keep track of both the number and percent result for an indicator, these must be two separate indicators.

Decimal Places

  • For percentage and decimal indicators, identify how many decimal places should be allowed and shown for a response. For example, entering "1" for a percentage would allow results like 71.3%. 

Default Reporting Cycle

  • Choose how frequently this indicator should be reported, e.g. Quarterly, Monthly, Annual, Semi-Annual.
  • If your desired reporting cycle is not shown in the dropdown, then you'll first need to add the reporting cycle online
  • If different activities report one indicator at different frequencies, you can specify this later online. 
  • This only refers to how often data should be entered for an indicator, not how often you need to make a summary report about the data. For example, people could enter data quarterly even in you only make a report about it once per year.

Data Source

  • An indicator's Data Source refers to how data will be entered into the system. The options are Direct Entry, Data Table, and Formula.
  • Direct Entry: If you'd like users to enter numerical results for indicators, use direct entry. For example, with an indicator like "# schools refurbished", you might enter 65 secondary schools and 40 primary schools. 
  • Data Table: However, you might prefer that your users add or upload a list of those 105 schools instead (with a column identifying each one as either secondary or primary school). Then DevResults would calculate the results for you (65 secondary, 40 primary) from the table. This would provide the same indicator results in DevResults, but you'd have the raw data (the individual lists, records, logs, etc.) instead of just the numerical totals. 
  • Formula: Use formulas for computed indicators. Computed indicators allow you to automatically generate an indicator result based on other indicator results entered into DevResults, like calculating a percentage (% trainees who passed) from a numerator (# trainees who passed) and denominator (# trainees). Please see the definition for the Formula column (two sections below) for more details.

Geographic Disaggregation

  • All indicators must be defined with a single Geographic Disaggregation.
  • If your indicator is not disaggregated geographically, you still need to list "Country" or "World" as the Geographic Disaggregation to indicate that results for this indicator refer to your whole geographic scope.
  • The options for Geographic Disaggregation are "Location", plus each of your site's administrative divisions, such as "Province", "District", "Country", and maybe "World". 
  • Locations are points on a map with a single set of coordinates. Locations might include cities, villages, schools, NGOs, hospitals, training centers, construction sites, etc.
  • Administrative divisions, including the whole country or whole world, are shapes on a map. DevResults generally acquires this information from the publicly available files at Humanitarian Data Exchange or GADM. If this information is inaccurate or out of date, it is your responsibility to provide the .kml or shape files with the information you want to use on your site.


  • List the disaggregations for each indicator (if any) separated by commas. An indicator might have no disaggregations, one disaggregation, or several disaggregations.
  • Do not include the disaggregation categories here. For example, if the disaggregation is "sex", then the disaggregation categories might include "male", "female", and "other". The disaggregation categories should be included in the disaggregations template, but not in this column.
  • Do not include geographic disaggregations here. See above for any geographic disaggregations.


  • Use formulas to denote computed indicators. Computed indicators allow you to automatically generate an indicator result based on other indicator results entered into DevResults. You only need to enter a formula if you have defined the indicator's Data Source as "Formula".
  • Ideally, all percentage indicators in DevResults are generated from computed indicators (such as "% administrators trained). An exception might be where the data, at its most basic level, is already a percentage (such as a grade on a test). Computed percentages mean that numerators and denominators are entered as separate indicators, and DevResults generates an automatic, up-to-date percentage result. This gives more accurate aggregate information and means that staff don't need to separately report both counts and percentages for indicators.
  • Examine the example "% administrators trained". If one region trained 1 out of 2 administrators, and another region trained 99 out of 100, an average of those percentages would be (50%+99%)/2=74.5%. In most cases it would be more accurate to think of the aggregate percentage as all the administrators trained (100) divided by all the administrators (102) giving 100/102=98.04%.
    • In this case, you'd define one indicator as Ind-01n: # administrators trained and Ind-01d: # administrators. The percentage formula would be [Ind-01n]/[Ind-01d].
  • To indicate a formula, put the component indicator's Indicator Code in square brackets and use any algebraic functions between, such as:
    • Compute a percentage: [Ind-01n]/[Ind-01d]
    • Compute an aggregate sum: [Ind-01]+[Ind-02]+[Ind-03]

Reference Number (max 50 characters)

  • Optional: If your organization has any alternative coding scheme for indicators, add those codes here. For example, an funding body might have its own codes for indicators that differ from the ones you use internally. 

Reports Per Activity

  • If indicators are reported by one or more activities, then enter "Yes". 
  • If indicators are not reported by activities (such as internal metrics or third-party stats such as infant mortality rate), then enter "No".


Targets Are Cumulative

  • Cumulative: If you plan to enter indicator result targets that refer to what you want to have accomplished since the beginning of the activity's work (the cumulative goal at any given point), then enter "Yes".
  • Incremental: If you plan to enter indicator result targets that refer to only what you want to accomplish for each reporting period, then enter "No".

Progress Interpretation

  • Define whether indicator results to go up, like a measure of literacy (Higher Is Better), or to go down (Lower Is Better) like a measure of mortality. 

Good Threshold, Warning Threshold

  • DevResults offers visualizations that summarize progress toward your targets
  • The Good Threshold defines what percent of target equates to "good" progress, such as 100%, which shows a green icon when achieved.
  • The Warning Threshold defines what percent of target gets a yellow warning icon, such as 80%. 
  • Anything below the warning threshold gets a red icon. (If you leave the warning threshold blank, anything below the good threshold gets a red icon). 

Results Framework Objectives

  • Each indicator must be classified by one or more parts of your Results Framework(s). For each indicator, list its Results Framework Code(s) from the Results Frameworks template, separated by commas.
  • Indicators might be classified under one results framework objective, multiple objectives for a single framework, or multiple objectives for multiple frameworks.
  • If your DevResults site has more than one framework, use the framework prefix when referencing a results framework objective. e.g. Use M/1.1 instead of just 1.1. Review the framework prefixes under Program Info > Results Frameworks, click on Manage results frameworks


  • Optional: Label indicators in DevResults by sector. You can create as many sectors as you'd like. Sectors can help identify indicators by their main theme, like "health" or "education".
  • List all of an indicator's sectors separated by commas. There is no limit to how many sectors you can assign to an indicator.
  • Activities can also be labeled with sectors.


  • Tags are a flexible tool in DevResults for sorting information. Tags can be anything you like. These tags can help identify types of information that cut across different parts of your results frameworks, like "climate" or "gender" or "local capacity".
  • List all of an indicator's tags separated by commas. There is no limit to how many tags you can assign to an indicator.
  • Other sets of information in the system that can be tagged include: Activities, Organizations, and Locations. You can use the same tags for those pieces of information, or different ones.

Unit (max 100 characters)

  • The indicator's unit is the thing that you are counting, such as individuals, households, schools, policies, jobs, kilometers, cubic meters, USD, organizations, visits, assessments, studies, initiatives, events, stock items, etc.
  • Percentages, indexes, and scores do not have units.

Definition, Justification, Collection Method, Sources, Acquisition Frequency, Review, Reporting, Quality Notes, Limitations, Analysis

  • Optional: These fields let you add additional written definitions and descriptions of each indicator. 

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Disaggregation (max 75 characters)

  • List one disaggregation in each row. For example, a disaggregation might be "Sex" and its categories might include "Male, Female, Other". Put only the disaggregation name in the first column. 

Disaggregation Categories (max 255 characters each)

  • For each disaggregation, list all disaggregation categories in a comma separated list, e.g. "Male, Female, Other"
  • These disaggregation categories should be fixed, unchanging parts of the indicator definition so that examining indicator results over time yields valid comparisons of the same measurements. Changing the disaggregation categories of an indicator changes the indicator.


  • Optional: Add a longer description for each disaggregation. 

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  • In DevResults, a person's email is their unique identifier.
  • Two people cannot share one email address.
  • One person cannot have more than one email address.
  • Add all individuals who should have access to your DevResults site, including internal staff, partner staff, and donor liaisons, if applicable. 

First Name, Last Name

  • Enter each person's name as you would like it to appear in the list of DevResults users.

Title, Department, Phone

  • Optional: List each person's job title, department, and phone number as you would like it to appear in the list of DevResults users. 


  • The organization that employs each user (whether it is your organization or an external organization) should be identified. 
  • If the correct organization doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add it using the Organizations template or add it online.


  • Each user must be assigned one permission level. Your DevResults site comes with default user groups with standard permission settings, but you have the ability to add user groups and modify their permission settings. Please get in touch with DevResults if you would like to customize DevResults user permissions during setup, or learn how to customize your own permission groups online. The default options are:
  • Owner - Can do anything: Create new users, new user groups, assign permissions, configure results frameworks, add indicators, and add activities.
  • Manager - Can't create new users or assign permissions, but they can sign off on performance data, mark it as approved, and can sign off on checklist items.
  • User - Standard access: Can edit activities, change activity overview information, post notes, and upload documents.
  • Viewer - Read-only access.
  • Partner Manager - Partners are limited to their own activities: uploading, editing, and viewing their own data prior to submission each reporting period.
  • Partner - Same as partner managers with the exception that they are restricted from submitting final indicator results / narratives each quarter.
  • No Access - When someone leaves the organization, their access is shut off without removing the audit trail.

Advanced Notice

  • Identify whether the user should get advanced notice of major updates to the DevResults software (True/False). 

Beta Tester

  • Identify whether the user should have early access to new DevResults features before they are released for all users (True/False). 

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Code (max 50 characters)

  • Optional: If you use codes to identify your locations, such as P-codes or hospital IDs, you can add them here.

Location (max 1000 characters)

  • Provide a unique name for each location.
  • Locations are points on a map with a single set of coordinates.
  • Locations might include cities, villages, schools, NGOs, hospitals, training centers, construction sites, etc.

Latitude, Longitude

  • Provide the latitude and longitude (in decimal format) for each location.
  • If you do not have this information, we can help you find it with some simple online tools, so make sure to ask us before you dedicate a significant amount of time determining location coordinates.
  • Though we are happy to help find location coordinates, it is ultimately your responsibility to provide this information if our options for estimating coordinates are not accurate enough for your purposes.


  • Tags are a flexible tool in DevResults for sorting information. Tags can be anything you like. These tags can help identify types of information that cut across different parts of your results frameworks, like "climate" or "gender" or "local capacity".
  • List all of a location's tags separated by commas. There is no limit to how many tags you can assign to a location.
  • Other sets of information in the system that can be tagged include: Activities, Organizations and Indicators. You can use the same tags for those pieces of information, or different ones.

Description, Primary Contact, Phone

  • Optional: Add a description, primary contact, or phone number for each location. 

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Activity Indicator Mappings

The Activity Indicator Mappings template captures relational information: It establishes which activity reports on which indicators. Each row represents a single pair of one activity to one indicator.


  • Select the activity that will be assigned to an indicator. If the activity doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add it to DevResults using the activity template or create the activity online


  • Select the indicator to assign to the activity in the first column. If the indicator doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add it to DevResults using the indicator template or create the indicator online.

Reporting Cycle

  • For each activity-indicator pair, specify how frequently the activity should report on the indicator. Leave this column blank if the indicator's default reporting cycle should be used. (The indicator's default reporting cycle is defined in the indicator template). 

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Activity Geography Mappings

The Activity Geography Mappings template captures relational information: It establishes which activity reports data in which geographic place. Each row represents a single pair of one activity to one geographic place. There is a tab for each kind of geographic place, like country, region, or location. Your template will include the kind of geographic places relevant to your organization's geographic scope.


  • Select the activity that will be assigned to a geographic place. If the activity doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add it to DevResults using the activity template or create the activity online.

{Your Site's Administrative Division Level Name}

  • Select the geographic place to assign to the activity in the first column.
  • If a location doesn't appear in the location tab dropdown, first add it to DevResults using the location template or create the location online.
  • If an administrative division doesn't appear in a dropdown, reach out to DevResults. 

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Activity Roles

The Activity Roles template captures relational information: It establishes which user is associated with which activity. Each row represents a single pair of one activity to one user.


  • Select the activity that will be assigned to a user. If the activity doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add it to DevResults using the activity template or create the activity online.


  • Select the user to assign to the activity in the first column. If the user doesn't appear in the dropdown, first add them to DevResults using the user template or create the user online.


  • Optional: Define a person's role for each activity.
  • A person's role for an activity might not necessarily be their job title. For example, a person's job title might be "M&E Specialist", but for a certain activity their role might be "Team Leader".
  • A person can have different roles for different activities.

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Reporting Periods

Visit your current list of reporting periods by going to Program Info > Reporting Periods in your DevResults site. This list should already contain every time period for which your activities will report data, both past and present. If it doesn't, you can add additional reporting periods with this template.


  • Give each reporting period a title, such as "2015 Q4", "2014 Jan" or "2016 SAPR".

Start Date, End Date

  • The Start Date and End Date columns refer to the period of time that an indicator result should describe, regardless of when the data is entered into the system.
  • e.g. An indicator such as "# children vaccinated" for the period 1-Jan-2024 to 31-Mar-2024 should refer to just the number of children who were actually vaccinated within those three months.

Submission Start Date, Submission End Date

  • The Submission Start Date and Submission End Date columns refer to the window of time that partners can enter indicator results for direct entry indicators. Outside of this window, partners can add records in data tables, but they cannot enter "direct entry" indicator results, as these are totals for the period. 

Reporting Cycle

  • Enter the reporting cycle for this reporting period. e.g. The period "2024 Q1" would belong to the "Quarterly" cycle.  

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Tags are a flexible tool in DevResults for sorting information. Tags can be anything you like. These tags can help identify types of information that cut across different parts of your results frameworks, like "climate" or "gender" or "local capacity".


  • Choose which element of the site the tag is for:
    • Activity
    • Data Table
    • Indicator
    • Location
    • Organization
    • Photo


  • Enter the name of the tag.

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  • Enter the names of the funding mechanisms for your activities, like "Grant" or "Cooperative Agreement". 

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Indicator Targets

DevResults has two kinds of targets: global targets, and activity targets. 

  • Global targets are overall goals for indicators that might be reported by one or more activities or no activities at all. 
  • Activity targets are goals for indicators for that activity. For example, the global target for an indicator this quarter might be 100. 
  • If two activities report on indicator A, perhaps one activity's target is 40 and the other activity's target is 60. 

DevResults also lets you define targets incrementally or cumulatively. This is part of an indicator's definition. 

  • Incremental targets: An incremental target describes your goal for just that reporting period. For example, if you want to train 50 people each quarter, you'd have four targets of 50, 50, 50, 50. 
  • Cumulative targets: A cumulative target describes your total goal up to that date. For the same example, you would enter targets for each of the four quarters as 50, 100, 150, 200 in the cumulative style. 


  • Enter the date for the target. This should be the end date of the reporting period in which the target should be met. For example, if setting a target for the Jan 1 - March 31 quarter, the date should be March 31.


  • Choose the indicator for the target. 


  • Choose the activity for the target. 
  • If the target is a global target then leave this field blank.


  • Enter the value for the target.

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