Popular Articles

  1. Notifications

    DevResults notifies users about a range of actions in DevResults. Users have choices about what actions trigger notifications, and how those notifications are received. Notifications are delivered by email  to the address you use to log in. ...
  2. How do I handle baseline assessment and evaluation reporting?

    Most monitoring indicators are collected at regular intervals, such as annually, quarterly, or monthly. If you have indicators that are only collected irregularly, for instance as part of a baseline assessment or impact evaluation, you may only wa...
  3. When can you complete my new DevResults site?

    The timeline for creating your new DevResults site depends on you more than it depends on us.  The DevResults team can create a new site, complete with your geographic scope and reporting periods, in under 10 business days . But in order fo...
  4. Find Knowledge Base

    The knowledge base is linked from every page of DevResults Click on the Help button in the top right hand corner. You will see a dropdown menu of options for your account. You can either: Search for knowledge base pages directly in the search b...
  5.  DevResults Challenge 01: ARPs

    Welcome to the first DevResults Challenge. We're launching challenges as a way to: Provide users with metrics about their DevResults sites, Offer tips and targets for improving long-term implementation of the platform, And our number one pri...
  6. Dashboard Tiles: Progress to Target

    The Progress to Global Target and Progress to Activity Target dashboard tiles display icons for your choice of indicators to show how well you're doing against your targets.  Progress to Global Target Progress to Activity Target ...
  7. Document Storage Integrations

    DevResults provides unlimited document storage in document folders, but we also offer integrations with Dropbox and Google Drive . Either can be used to sync documents, files, and folders in your organizational accounts with DevResults, including...
  8. Why does my data table indicator have no data?

    When setting up a new data table indicator, it's quite common to see "No data..." messages on the Data or Reports tab, even when the linked data table has many rows of data. Even if data appears, you may not see all of the data you exp...
  9. Export Entire DevResults Instance

    DevResults users with owner permissions can download the entire set of program information and indicator data that makes up their instance of DevResults. This set of information includes:  A set of JSON files that describe indicator result...
  10. Calendar

    DevResults has a basic event and calendar function. Users may: Add events to an activity event table Add events directly to the global Calendar View events in the global Calendar View events in Timeline Please note:  While the ...