Popular Articles

  1. Enterprise: Add Users to Linked Sites

    Owners of enterprise sites have three options for how to manage users on linked sites.  Add users to individual linked sites Add users to linked sites from the enterprise site Enable enterprise users to access linked sites automaticall...
  2. How do I Change the Data Submission Window?

    Problems to solve: The reporting period submission window is closed, but I want to enable activities to enter/edit data. Solve this problem for all activities with unsubmitted data.  Solve this problem for some activities with unsubmit...
  3. Linked Table Examples

    DevResults supports linked (or relational) data by allowing users to link data tables by information common to both. Linked data tables are a solution that may benefit your team in day-to-day data management and monitoring work. To help you decide...
  4. Partner Dashboards

    When partners log in to DevResults, they see a customized data entry portal with each reporting reporting period assigned to their activity or activities.  Note: In DevResults, a partner  is a user assigned to any permission group ...
  5. Why Can't My Partners See ___?

    Your copy of DevResults is not designed to be a program management tool for your partners -- it's a program management tool for you. You have the ability to share some of your site with partners (like indicator definitions and activity overviews...
  6. Pre On-Site Consultation

    Before an on-site consultation , DevResults' goal is to acquire a set of program information to set up a functional site. This information should be sent and explained prior to an on-site consultation, so that the visit can be spent finalizing ...
  7. Meetings

    In this article: Requesting Meetings with DevResults Team Members Meeting Logistics Standing Meetings Semi-Annual Check-ins Requesting Meetings with DevResults Team Members: To request a meeting with a DevResults team member, ple...
  8. Assign a Reporting Period to an Activity

    For an activity to report results in DevResults, the reporting period that the activity's indicators report on must be assigned to that activity. There are two ways in which reporting periods can be added to an activity: Add reporting per...
  9.  ARCHIVED: Disaggregation Categories in the Setup Template

    Note:  As of 2024, DevResults offers a new, more flexible system for creating a new DevResults site. Please see our revised Setup Instructions for information about the current setup process.  Your browser does not support HTML5 vi...
  10. DevResults Data Security

    We take the security of our customers data very seriously at DevResults. DevResults is hosted on Microsoft Azure as a Platform as a Service offering, and all data in transit and at rest are encrypted by default. You can read more about Azure's e...