New Articles

  1. Define an Indicator

    DevResults offers several tools for defining indicators: Create or edit a single indicator Create or edit multiple indicators using an Excel upload Edit multiple indicators from the indicator index Note:  Any user whos...
  2. Data Source: Populate from a data table

    After you have created a data table , you can design indicators that pull results directly from the data table. This article covers how to:  Define a data table indicator Configure one of four calculation types: Count all Count uniqu...
  3. Targets

    DevResults enables users to set targets for indicator results. Targets define goals per indicator, per reporting period, and (optionally) per activity. When targets are entered in DevResults, the system automatically includes progress-to-target ...
  4. Enable and Disable DevResults Features

    Organizations might want to disable some features of DevResults if they don't need those particular tools (or use other software to meet those needs) and want to simplify the DevResults user interface.  To do so, go to Administration >...
  5. Assign a Geography to an Activity

    In this page: Assign Geographies to an Activity Assign Geographies to Activities using an Excel Template Advanced Geography Settings Assign Geographies to an Activity All indicator data in DevResults is associated with a geographic pl...
  6. Assign an Indicator to an Activity

    For an activity to report on an indicator in DevResults, the indicator must be assigned to that activity. Assign Indicators to an Activity Assign a Set of Indicators to Multiple Activities Assign Indicators to Activities using an Excel Temp...
  7. How do I Change the Data Submission Window?

    Problems to solve: The reporting period submission window is closed, but I want to enable activities to enter/edit data. Solve this problem for all activities with unsubmitted data.  Solve this problem for some activities with unsubmit...
  8. Define an Activity

    DevResults offers several tools for defining activities: Create or edit a single activity Create or edit multiple activities using an Excel upload Edit multiple activities from the activity index Note:  Any user whose grou...
  9. Resetting an Activity Reporting Period

    Imagine a scenario where information was incorrectly added to an activity for a certain reporting period and you'd like to delete all of that information and return to a blank slate. For this, you can use the  Reset activity reporting perio...
  10. Manage Narrative Questions

    To edit your program's narrative questions (not for partners), go to the Program Info dropdown menu and select " Narrative Questions ". Note: If you cannot complete this action, then you do not have permission to edit your prog...