Updated Articles

  1. Update Administrative Divisions

    DevResults generally acquires maps for your country or countries from the publicly available files at gadm.org . If the information we have provided is inaccurate or out of date, your team would need to provide the geospatial files (KML or KMZ form...
  2. Submitting Help Tickets

    DevResults supports users via a Helpdesk, a shared platform that is staffed by one engineer and one data team member at all times. You can read more about our Helpdesk on our blog. On this page:  How to submit help tickets How to write...
  3. Activities and Organizations Overview

    Activities and organizations define who carries out an activity, reports indicator data, or is associated with specific results.  In this article: What is an activity? What is an organization? How should I organize my activities and...
  4. Assign a User to an Activity

    Assigning users to activities provides three main benefits: Provides a shared record of who is involved with an activity, both internally and externally Ensures that associated users get notifications about activity discussions and data submissio...
  5. Baselines

    Topics in this article When does an indicator have a baseline?  How do I enter baselines?  How are baselines used?  Why is there no separate field for baselines? Note: This page applies only to sites that have IATI r...
  6. Manage Narrative Questions

    To edit your program's narrative questions (not for partners), go to the Program Info dropdown menu and select " Narrative Questions ". Note: If you cannot complete this action, then you do not have permission to edit your prog...
  7. Enter Narrative Responses (Partners)

    1) Log into DevResults.  Your website will be something.devresults.com.  Forgot your password? You can get a new one yourself. Does the site not recognize your email? Talk to your contacts to whom you report data. DevResults staff ...
  8. Report 'Data Table' Data Online (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter data into data tables: Entering data online (as shown on this page) Uploading a spreadsheet containing all your rows of data Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or upl...
  9. Report 'Data Table' Data via Excel (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter data into data tables: Entering data online Uploading a spreadsheet containing all your rows of data (as shown on this page) Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or upl...
  10. Report 'Direct Entry' Data via Excel (Partners)

    There are two ways to enter indicator results: Using an Excel template (as shown on this page) Entering data online Mix and match data entry:  You can use a combination of entering data online or in an Excel template. For example, you...