Updated Articles


    Bookmarking pages lets you easily find activities and indicators of interest to you on your dashboard. Bookmarking a single activity or indicator You can bookmark indicators and activities by clicking on the star in the top right of any activity p...
  2. Enable and Disable DevResults Features

    Organizations might want to disable some features of DevResults if they don't need those particular tools (or use other software to meet those needs) and want to simplify the DevResults user interface.  To do so, go to Administration >...
  3. Narrative Responses

    Users have the option to enter narrative responses to supplement indicator data for each reporting period. This article covers how to enter and export narrative responses.   Enter responses Export responses For instructions for partner...
  4. Training Topics

    DevResults has a ton of cool features that go beyond entering indicator results and managing activities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive list of topics that a trained DevResults expert can do and explain. When we do a training with your te...
  5. IATI: Fill in activity elements

    All of the world's major donors have agreed to publish their data using the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard. Many now require that grantees and recipients report back to them in IATI format. DevResults supports one-cl...
  6. Find and Merge Duplicate Locations

    Chances are that sometimes, you or other users accidentally create duplicates of existing locations--maybe a slight difference in how the location is spelled, or its coordinates, or maybe its code. Our  Merge Duplicate Locations tool will help...
  7. About KML Files

    KML files contain the geographic information that forms the Administrative Division shapes on your DevResults site. DevResults requires that data be associated with places (either points or areas) and geographic shapes are required to define the sco...
  8.  Video Tutorial: Create an Indicator

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Key points from the video Context At a minimum, defining an indicator requires identifying the data source, indicator type, number format, disaggregations (if applicable), geographic disaggregation, ...
  9. Feature Suggestions

    Development of DevResults is driven by the feedback and suggestions from our clients. Our best features are inspired by you, so we love hearing your ideas about how we could improve the site. If you would like to submit a suggestion for a new or im...
  10. Qualitative Data

    "Qualitative data" means many things to many people. In general, the term "qualitative data" covers information that is non-numerical in nature, usually collected through surveys, focus groups, interviews, written comments, etc. ...